Demaray Chiropractic and Nutrition Center

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Chiropractic Adjustment of Babies

When the conversation turns to adjusting babies, I see the same expression on every face.

The fact of the matter is that in pregnant moms’ tummies’, babies can be in awkward positions for days or even weeks.  Then the birth process is stressful as the little guy or gal is pushed through the birth canal. The physical stress many times causes subluxation, meaning misalignment of the spine. When the misalignment happens, the body can’t get messages to and from the brain. These are important messages too; they’re the messages that are telling the baby’s body how to grow up healthy and strong. Just the tiniest pressure on the nerve and 60% of the message can be lost. After a while, things stop working with ease, in other words there is a dis-ease that has developed.

Some of the symptoms that you may see when a baby has a subluxation is that their head tends to turn to one side only. Or, when nursing they will do well on one breast but not the other because their head and neck are not comfortable. Other symptoms are that their arms are not easily moved to full extension, sometimes the baby’s back is arched backward, they cannot flex their hips and low back, making it difficult bend their feet up toward their face, or they may experience colic.

Chiropractic adjustments restore nerve flow by adjusting the misalignments back to where they’re supposed to be. The result is that pain and symptoms such as colic are much less, if not totally eliminated, and Health is restored! I spent hundreds of hours of study and practice becoming a Fellow of the International Pediatric Association learning about the chiropractic care of infants and how important spinal health is on the development of children.

Many of my new moms and dads are amazed at how gentle the adjustments are, and the results are amazing! Colic is calmed, nursing is easier and the babies are thriving. Anytime we can take interference away from the nervous system, the body has a better chance of adapting to stresses and staying as healthy as possible!

-Dr Carla Demaray